The B.O.C. Connect App is the digital home for all employees of the BIKE & OUTDOOR COMPANY. It helps you to network with your colleagues, to stay up to date and not to miss any important information.Information & Knowledge:B.O.C. Connect is THE platform for information, knowledge exchange and communication. Here you will find all the news and the bundled company know-how in one place. You only see the content that is really relevant to you - tailored to you and your job.Network & Exchange:You are part of B.O.C. and thus also from B.O.C. Connect. Here you network across all locations and departments. Everyone is actively involved and working together. Found communities, find like-minded people and meet new colleagues. After all, the fun should not be neglected!Everything in one place:Whether contact persons, processes, forms, the latest video message from the management or current events: B.O.C. Connect is the central contact point for all information and questions about B.O.C. Here you can find almost everything. Long searches on the share drive or in the B.O.C. Info? Is over!Easy and fast:B.O.C. Connect is modern, intuitive and always up to date. Youll be up to date in no time at all and exchange ideas with colleagues in a very uncomplicated way. This saves you emails, phone queues and ultimately a lot of time. And if you have any questions about B.O.C. Connect, the help community is ready for you.Always available:No PC? No problem! Thanks to the B.O.C. Connect App, you can also conveniently access the platform at any time via your smartphone. So you have the whole B.O.C. world in your pocket!